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    BLACK MONKS     
 02.....BIG RED     
 05.....GAMES BOND  
      CODING BY     
     DAN AND EGO    
      SOUND BY      

Cut the music. I want all you fat, ugly jerks to take the noise down, while I take my robe off and show the ladies what a real sexy man looks like. Hit the music ! Oh I hate Rick Rude. So, this is me, Andy, one of the guys who founded the fabulous group called Black Monks. I think I tell you some things about me: My major hobby is the Amiga and Black Monks, of course. It takes much time and it is definitely to blame on my failure at school this year. After Black Monks, the WWF, the world wrestling federation is my biggest hobby. I watch it for one and a half year (Sky Channel, Saturday, 1 pm and Tele 5, Tuesday, 1 am) and I know everything about the superstars, the events and the moves of course. I know how to execute a few of them, especially the figure four, the most devastating submission hold which exists. Nobody comes out of that. I even can execute a suplex. Ask Slayer. I suplexed him and nearly thus crushed his shoulder ! I am five feet nine and weigh 205 pounds. I collect two things: twelfe inch mixes and beer bottles, especially the latter one. So if you meet me someday, get me a bottle. This piccy of mine was taken at Dan's mini party. Well, this is my second scrolltext this evening and it is now 4 am in the morning, so I'm a little bit tired. Anyway, it was quite a fun. So that should be enough for a brief profile of mine. Best whishes and greetings to Henry of Top Swap, Hoan, Julia from Berlin, everybody from my last form, Ultimate Warrior, Blue Blazer, Rick Martel, Big John, Widowmaker, Dusty Rhodes, Demolition, Twin Towers, Rockers, Mr. Perfect, Hart Foundation, Macho Man, Barber, Zeus, Sherri Martel, Hulkster, Red Rooster and the rest. Good bye !         

Hi I'm Big Red of the overmighty Black Monks... I'm swapping and driving (I'm the only Black Monk in Munich with a driving licence and i likely will stay the only one). I don't like to write long scroll-texts so here come some greetings to all my friends and contacts (I don't like to name them all now because I'm too lazy for I drove all night). So fuck off and die... And remember: Hack and slay the Black Monks say... Bye...         

wow! what a picture! yes, it's me, dan! ey, boys and girls (especially girls), in reality a even look better but you can get a good imagination if you look at this pic. if there are some (many?) girls out there who wanna have some fun with ego and me then contact us! yeah! ey, ego, we'll have great fun, won't we? yes, we will. but i have to stop talking about my favourite hobby (you guess what i mean) coz i wanna tell you something about this crazy night: it all began with a simly idee - let's have a party, just here, in this little hut in which i dwell. then i invited some guys of crash, a few personal friends and many black monks (no not real monks, those guys who call themselves black monks - indeed i'm a black monk, too). yes, and they came: about 20 people. most of them stayed over night and it was a real struggle to get the house clean after all. but that's not the point. the point is: we had (of course) a meal in the evening and had some fun. we thought about new demos and what to do this night. one of those guys of crash brought a video digitizer with 'em and i had a camera. i think you can guess the rest. we decided to do this (this!) demo in the night. we, that are ego and i. ok, it started good: we digitiezed and captured two amigas (out of seven here in the room) to do the code. but it was late - too late. to be exactly: it was after midnight and we all had a hard day. but ego and i thought: simply put some routines in a row and mix 'em up with the pics - and ready. bullshit! nothing ready. first problem: we both are assembler freaks - but i work with seka and ego with aztec! but that was not so terrible. ego used his great fastloader and i adapted my fine menu. we decided to kill the system and to do all the shit ourself... then there came some problems up: the menu was invisible, the sound was for deaf people same as for us and always these crashes... but we didn't give up. we fixed many problems although we were very tired but at about 8 o'clock in the morning i simply wanted some sleep. ego went on up to 9 o'clock but at this time only the menu and the music were ok, but no gfx and no scrollers. we decided to sleep some hours. at 12 o'clock ego woke me but we had only time for a cup of milk (no breakfast - the other guys were faster) and to swap the source disks so that we could work on seperately. now, we did it and detected the few bugs that were left very fast - as we were awake again. so, what do you learn out of this: don't code if you are tired coz you only get more and more tired but your program won't get ready!  Now that's the story. i want to send some hi's to few personal friends as there are: steve of afl (great fun on the party and on the way back), obi (love your kickstart), joshua (cool, man) and of course to ego (we are a good team, aren't we?). that's all. read the text again if this satisfies you. aloah!           

read this! this scroller is the most important of the disk. before i tell you why, here's a hint: why always stopping the text with the right button - let's speed it up with the left one !  but now: the main part! as i coded most of this demo and i'm the last scrolltext writer i've important messages. and all personal friends of mine will be greeted at the end of the text. dan said much about the history of this demo, but i'll tell you the rest: now, the beginning of the party was on saturday the 26th of september 1989. as i ought to do a vacational job on this day but wanted to go to party i had to work on the day before instead. then i got by train to nuernberg. at about 13.30 the four guys of crash arrived and we drove together to augsburg. we had some fun with all the guys and especially the aplpha release of kickstart 1.4 (it's great!). then dinner and the damned idee to code this demo. hard work all the night up to the early morning. most of the guys were disappointed that dan and i took so long but andy was great! he helped us, encouraged us and told the others to keep calm so that we aren't interrupted by loud music. thanks andy! you are the dream of every coder! after the very few hours of sleep we got up had no breakfast and i drove with the crashes back to nuernberg. we arrived at about 16.40 and had no lunch between. my next train left at 20.15 !  and after my return at home i had to help my father with some stupid work. i slept some hours but on monday at 9.00 in the early i had to do a job at the computer department of the 'meister'. in the afternoon i copied the new stuff to our local spreader and final slept enough. on tuesday and wednesday i had to work and some meetings. but now (it's thurstday, exactly 1:31:16 in the night) i'm likely to finish this 'party'-demo. besides, this is only a pre-version because there are only pics of a few black monks (there are many more). but it's good work and i hope you like it. if you are a girl - do what dan said: contact us (dan and me): we'll have great fun! now, it's late, you see, so let's greet all my friends: hi gadler, sorry that you hadn't been on this great party, but never mind: we'll code something together - that's much better.  aloah gonzo, keep cool, hack on and be a friend!  ey mordillo, i heard that you are buisy working on filled verctor gfx - so i do. call me! where are your new productions? let's do do something great!  hi phil, come to my party, o.k.?  howdy tip, you are a good coder, but in the wrong group...  hello unknown, contact me, i want to become acquainted with you.  servus steve of afl: do you remember me? your flasher demo is really funny!  eh, mat, where are the graphics? let's create the best game ever sold.  hi greg, you are the coolest boy i ever met. i think we can be good friends.  aloah obi, thanks for your hints and getting me to augsburg - you are great!  prost andi, thanks for your support - i surely will visit you at the octoberfest...  ey slayer, cool gfx, even cooler hairs - that's right!  howdy george, hope you'll soon get your new modem - your a funny guy!  special hi's to mahoney and kaktus for doing the craziest things i ever saw. perhaps we'll meet each other one day - i hope so.  and last but first in mind: hello to dan! we are good team. let's go on!  now - it's 1:50:09 and i have to save all pics and gfx to disk, copy it and to write the letters - stupid work and i'm tired, so let's finish - good night...                         

ok, guys this is games bond !  quite a funny picture of me, ain't it ? I guess i've gotta tellya something about me now, so here we go ... to get to the bottom of it.. i actually am not in a mood to write any boring scrolltexts so i am just gonna tellya about my new demo. i hope i will finish it one day, and it will have such features as rotating logos and many more. in fact i don't know much more about it right now myself... so lets just wait and see and .. hope ! its gettin later and later and my brain is slowly falling asleep.. so just don't wonder about mistakes, bullshit and other real aweful crap. see ya later one day, time is up !          

rrring! i wanna call with mastercard. that's what i do all day cause i am a phreaker of black monks. but that's not all. i'm nearly two phreakers, as you can gueass by the pic (?!?). But something else to my person. i'm a driver with a small car but a great soundmachine and if i use half power i'm able to blow every human ear! i tried to do this with mat and ego, but they are tough! don't worry, one day i'll do it! now, this party at dan's house is great (as always) but a lokal lamer (called 'ruebennase') destroyed my main utility disk by painting some stuff on the magnetic surface with a biro. shit!    now, it's late, let's go home, have some food'n'sleep - yeah! bye!         

After playing Sweinsteins' Tetris (Preview) for hours against Joshua I'm ready for Freddy - - - eh for writing scrollies! For the people who don't remember the face above from wherever, it's me... Greg! In the meantime it's 5:06:08 in the morning! Hi Steve! You remember the night after the VF, AFL and PS Copy party on the Dutch autobahns parkingsite?? Yeahhhh it was fun wasn't it Steve?? Haaaaahaahaha! Message to all of you out there: Come to the Octoberfest in Munich on 23.9.89! It's the biggest fairground in the whole world!!! Hi George and Marx of Subway, did you arrive well at home after staying for two days at me? (Bierzelt rules!) Hi Charly! I like cheap PC-Engines!!!!!! (very cheap!) At the moment Dan and Ego are programming this Face-Demo, Big Red is sleeping like a bum, Andy and Slayer are helping me in writing this scrolltext and a local loser is playing Gemini Wing (our trainer) for five hours now. Finally some unholy spells cast to all my friends (and contacts). Bye and no Gurus, Greg.             

Sorry, guys, there's no scrolltext from jackal. I don't know if it was lost or if he didn't write one but I have non! So, I just tell ya that he is a cool guy, and we had much fun with all his bugs he made in his blitter-masking routine. I never believed that anybody could do so much shit in such few lines!!! but, I have to admit, that it was pretty late and we were very hungry. and after a short meal at mackotz he did it great! so, hack on guy, you'll do it! signed: EGO.         

hi guys ! come on john ! lets go, joe ! All this computer stuff sucks. but since they asked me to write something, let me just tell you some facts. i am games bond's twin brother and a coder. at the moment i'm planning on writing a routine to play sounds just like a c 64. okay, see y'all later, computers suck         

this is mat on the keyboard. you think i'm bad in english coz i wrote 'on' the board and not 'at'? you're wrong. i'm really -on- the keyboard. why? I'll tell ya, why! this shitty machine (an A 500) has a fine extra special: it crashes every few minutes. but why? there are two possible resons: first george could have done bad work as he soldered on it. or, secondly, my nice little agnus is out of order. that's hard luck! so i couldn't paint a new logo for ego's mega-fantastic interactive demo. sorry! i am a graphician, you know. and i do two things: i paint great logos, fonts and pictures with dpaint and i create great airbrush-graphics! soon there'll be airbrushed t-shirts, handkerchieves, stockings, and of course skirts (for all our female fans)! so, look out for them. see ya...           

Hi guys, I am Slayer of Black Monks and responsible for some of the graphix in our intros. And I hate writing scrollers (By the way I hate a lot of things like: Acid Fuckers, Rapper and shit as that. Kill them all.) A short profile of mine: My hobbies are: The Amiga, Black Monks and Dpaint III, of course. Further I love wrestling, as Andy does. Sometimes we wrestle each other,try new moves and holds. One time Andy hurt me really bad when he executed a suplex on me. In the future I will continue to draw logos and fonts. My main hobby still is Thrash Metal!! I like groups as Sodom, Slayer, Sepultra, Venom, Obituary, Slime, Toxoplasma, Ausgebombten... Metal hammers go to all the Munich Hardcores and Metal Bangers. Message to Megatherion, the best sound-wizard on this machine: Continue your work, your sounds are the best I've ever heard on a computer!! Absolute brillant. Metal rules the world! For now I don't wanna write more and say goodbye to all of you. See you soon..